Outreach in an ESPN World

Eric Tiansay is a freelance writer and he interviewed nine churches about their sports ministry. The structure of this article is very meaningful:

Introduction – Virtually any American is involved in sports, says Rodger Oswald, founder of Church Sports International.

Obsession … or Outreach Opportunity? – Kerry Wilkerson thinks the apostle Paul would – following 1. Corinthians 9:22 – be heavily involved in sports ministry.

Calling All Kids – “Sports ministry is an effective tool to reach children with the Gospel”, says Caz McCaslin, founder and president of Upward Unlimited.

Winning Extreme Youth – to achieve this just bring Christian skaters from Glory Skateboards to do a skate outreach in the church’s parking lot.

Activating Adults – start a partnership with In His Grip Golf Association and offer Bible Studies in the off-season.
You can get a sports coordinator for your church and Fellowship of Christian Athletes pays half the salary.

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