12 beautiful angels flying a perfect formation through the clear blue sky – that’s part of smooth moves. The angels fly smoothly but compete badly. Heavenly sports are among others: arm wrestling, tennis and hurdle race.
Month: January 2007
Vatican Soccer Championship
Rocco was so fast reporting “Team Spirit, Bertone Style”.
spiritual bodybuilding
Bodybuilding.com has a “Bible Verse of the Day Thread” in its forum. PlayersPrayers interviewed wildman536 who has started the thread:
Q: Your screenname is wildman536, please tell our readers, who you are and what made you choose this wild name.
A: Well the Wildman has something to do with my last name (it is spelled really close to wildman) my football number was 53, and i just added the 6 for no reason.
Q: What made you start the “Bible Verse of the Day Thread” on Bodybuilding.com?
A: I really feel that God has had a MAJOR impact on my life and feel that as a person who loves to Bodybuild keep Christ first, and likes discussion forums, it would be good to keep other Christians in on why were able to do what we do by letting them see a small verse of inspiration (almost) everyday.
Q: What do Bible studies and body building have in common?
A: Bible studies and Bodybuilding really have quite a bit more in common than one would think. I believe that if you are a True Christian you will be aware of the Word and make sure that you are living your life according to It. In Bodybuilding it is easy to get into something that can totally take over your mind and body and with this thread i feel that having that daily verse among other posts it’ll just have a positive impact on your day and the way you approach your goals for your body in a Christian way.
Q: What is your favorite Bible verse?
A: As far as Bible Verses i have a TON of favorites. John 3:16 is one that i believe every Christian should know and understand.
Q: What is your favorite exercise?
My favorite exercise would have to be the Dead lift. No other exercise gets my blood going and my body pumped like it.
David Beckham is not allowed to join Scientology
Becks go US and to be a US star you have to join Scientology. But do not be afraid: subversion knows that Victoria won’t allow David to sell his soul.
Miss Fitness International as a nun
Jenny Hendershott won the Ms.Fitness International and Ms.Olympia titles in 2005. In 2004 she came out at the Olympia in a nun outfit performing a “Jesus” routine. Isaac Hinds came to know why:
“I have been battling my faith for over a year and a half. I can be a very private person at times and I had lost 5 friends over the course of 4 months so I was struggling for a while with Death, God, prayer, and the importance of my own life. I wanted to out do the 2003 routine so I kind of put it all together and came up with proclaiming my faith in front of the industry. Again, what do I have to lose and hey I want to entertain and I want to stand out. I loved the end result and I have since found myself and yes, God really is my homeboy.”
Femalemuscle.com has all the Pics.
St. Johns Wort
Bodybuilding.com features Leigh Ann Yeager as “Female Transformation Of The Week”. She regularly took “St. John’s Wort Supplements” to support here body building. Bodybuilding.com gives two explanations for the name of this herb both in relation to John the Baptist.
Making the world a better place
JAG’s Sports Blog lists countless christian professional athletes stating they had a positive impact on the world. We’ll work through this list from time to time taking a closer look on esteemed individuals.
Blessed skiing in 2007
Beliefnet claims to deliver Inspiriration, Spirituality and Faith. As a New Year’s greating they deliver skiing.