For the history of the Allison Stokke hype check the summary @ AOL sports.
For real devotion check The Loser Complex.
Month: May 2007
Alex Rodriguez, You shall not…
Memphis Bengal asks God to bless the New York Post for publishing this case of Exodus 20.14:
Alex Rodriguez established the AROD Family Foundation in 2006 with his wife Cynthia, dedicated to positively impacting families in distress by supporting programs focusing on improved quality of life, education and mental health.
Thanks to the NY Post now the following can be added:
Alex Rodriguez dined with a mysterious, busty blonde and two pals at a pricey steakhouse in Toronto late Sunday night, then headed to a glitzy strip club before making their way to his hotel, where the pair ducked into an elevator and headed upstairs just after midnight.
Week 21 summary of sport and spirituality on twitter
For our daily tweets we perform Twitterment Searches for “workout” and “prayer” every day. Each Sunday there is a weekly update here on this blog. Because of Twitter’s Crash there have been no reliable twitterment data for several days. Since Wednesday everything seems to work again.
Week 21 summary of sport and spirituality on twitter:
Total Search Results for workout: 26
Total Search Results for prayer: 12
Most workout results on Thursday with 8 hits.
Most prayer results on Wednesday and Saturday with 4 hits each.
Pentecostal Indy 500
Tom Ehrich @ is looking forward to the Indianapolis 500 on the Day of Pentecost. At that time in Jerusalem “they were all together in one place”, as they will be tomorrow in Indianapolis. Ehrich states: “The 500 tends to be a remarkable display of civility, or what Jesus called ‘being one.'” This is possible for some specifics of the event concerning approaches, entrances, tradition, orthodoxy and patriotism.
Flex Wheeler Yesterday and Today
Rod Labbe delivers a six-page hagiography about an icon of body building: Flex Wheeler. Of his ten-year-career the most remarkable year was the year 2000. Because of a bad disease Flex paused his career and started studying the Bible which led to Baptism on June 29, 2001. That very day Flex swore off steroids: “Completely. I don’t use anymore. I’m one of Christ’s soldiers, and my biggest contest is against evil.” Over and over again the athlete thanks God: “I was blessed by God to have a different type of physique — a decent combination of mass and symmetry. Bodybuilding was my destiny. I mean, I look back at how everything unfolded, and I understand there’s a divine plan at work.”
P. K. Sam scores and laments
Rheinfire’s Wide Receiver P. K. Sam scores two touchdowns and laments his Dad.
A. J. Harris is lucky and thankful
Centurions’ Runningback A. J. Harris scored a very important touchdown against Rheinfire.
Derrick Ross prays for healing
Centurions’ Running Back Derrick Ross kneels down for intercession for an injured opponent.
Week 20 summary of sport and spirituality on twitter
For our daily tweets we perform Twitterment Searches for “workout” and “prayer” every day. Each Sunday there is a weekly update here on this blog. Because of this week’s Twitter Crash there are no data for Friday and Saturday.
Week 20 summary of sport and spirituality on twitter:
Total Search Results for workout: 28
Total Search Results for prayer: 13
Most workout results on Monday with 13 hits.
Most prayer results on Sunday and Monday with 5 hits each.