With the Olympics coming closer the makers of beliefnet figured it might be a good idea to create a list of the Top 20 Inspirational Sports Movies. That is in most cases what they are: inspirational, that does not mean inspiring, inspired or spiritual but at least containing the syllable “spir”.
sports books | spirituality books
Month: July 2008
The 10 Wimpiest Team Names in Sports
Jordan Vertone is a 16-year-old Analyst whose favorite sports team out of any sport is the Toronto Maple Leafs. He put together a list of the 10 Wimpiest Team Names in Sports. Guess what – teams named after trees or other plants are not part of the game. Jordan thinks
“Angels—it’s a very wimpy name. Angels are messengers of the almighty God, but they do not have the power of the Lord. Plus it just sounds peaceful, nice, and all that it takes to become No. 1 on my list of the Wimpiest Names.”
That is simply not true. Angels are not only those golden-winged cowards Jordan is talking about. Just check out the cherubim that block Adam and Eve out of Eden. This is tough guys – not peaceful and nice.
God at Wimbledon
Queen Elizabeth II. holds the title ‘Defender of the Faith and Supreme Governor of the Church of England’. Upon her majestic and holy presence, or that of her son players still are required to bowing/curtseying. But this is of course not for the Queen herself but the Lord she embodies. For more strange facts on the Wimbledon Tournament check here.