Reggie White

Thanks to Jake Rinard for restoring the list on JAG’s Sports Blog.
As promised we now start with portraying Reggie White:
1993-98 White worked as a Defensive End for the Green Bay Packers. He did such a great job, that he was elected to the Pro Football Hall of Fame. His enshrinement speech began as follows:

“Hello. I would first like to thank God, but I would like to specify which God. I’d like to thank the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob for making me, my dad, and this whole event, giving us the strength that I know me and my mom are about to receive.”

The “Minister of Defense” experienced his personal peak.
For indepth coverage of his early death at 43 years check ESPN and SI. The Reggie White Foundation lives on.

Lutherans Stretch & Pray

These days Lutherans from all over the US gather in Chicago Il for the tenth biennial ELCA Churchwide Assembly meeting. ELCA’s Board of Pensions asks voting members and guests to participate in The Around the Wheel challenge.
The program includes:
Run, Walk ‘n’ Roll – Go at your own pace through Grant Park and along the scenic Lake Michigan
Stretch & Pray – Join Bishop Murray Finck for low-impact stretching and high-impact prayer

Hulk Hogan: I thank God I’m alive

hulk hogan interview2
originally uploaded by Too Many Notes

Hulk Hogan has lashed out at the industry which made him a megastar, he has demanded an end to the decades-long cover-up of steroid abuse in the sport.
“I would tell kids to train, say their prayers and take their vitamins. But it wasn’t just vitamins I was taking”, he admitted in his 2003 autobiography, “I’m not trying to repent but I am being honest about my failings.”
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Jen Hendershott – Retired or Olympia Bound?

Jen Hendershott hates gossip and thus reveals: WELL, I am doing the Olympia. SURPRISE!
Isaac Hinds wants to know why she was on the fence for quite a while. Here’s her confession:

“We don’t like to force anything on ourselves; we believe that God will deal the cards that need to be dealt. Starting a family changes a lot of things and it’s a BIG decision. We trust that God will bless us again when its time.In the summer of 2005 I had a miscarriage, which NO ONE knew about, (BREAKING NEWS). We kept it to ourselves until we were ready to share with the world. It was an emotional time but we believe God works in strange ways and this is something we had to deal with as many families in this world do.”

Earlier in 2004 she was undergoing a crisis as well during which God became her homeboy.