Easter changes everything for MMA

In the Christian faith, the resurrection of Jesus takes the sting out of death. The beginning of the Easter season reminds us of Paul’s call :

“Where, O death, is your sting?”

1. Corinthians 15:55

Only three days into season year’s Eastertide, the Professional Fighter’s League (PFL) will experience its own resurrection of sorts- they’ll be back on ESPN:

Kayla Harrison’s Blessing

PFL millionaire, two time Olympic gold medalist Kayla Harrison came on the Throwing Down Podcast. She clearly defines “blessing” as only a martial artist can:

Every time we get to step on the mat is a blessing

Kayla Harrison

Takeaway lessons:

  • Blessing in an action, not a state
  • Blessing has a time and place
  • Blessing requires training and repetition

Who is the first person you see in the Rocky movies?

The year is 1976. The iconic Sylvester Stallone franchise of boxing movies kicks off with a bang. The first movie didn’t have a number since nobody could have anticipated the success that lead to 8 total sequels. Do you remember the first face you see in all those movies?

The first fight shown in the first Rocky movie is set in a repurposed church building where the face of Jesus opens the scene from a stain glass window.

Shrovetide Football back after COVID

The Royal Shrovetide Football Match is a game played annually on Shrove Tuesday and Ash Wednesday in the town of Ashbourne in Derbyshire, England. Shrovetide football dates back to at least the 12th century. The last game was in 2020 just before the COVID pandemic shut down most of public life. The event was canceled in 2021. Today is the second day of the 2022 game and the tradition is experiencing a resurrection.